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        Safe and Healthy School Environment Workshop

        to Al-Ain Schools

        In our efforts to invest in our community in Al-Ain city,
        Dr. Hatem Abushammala conducted a one-day workshop,
        in March 2022, entitled “Safe and Healthy School
        Environment” to the health and safety officers of around
        50 schools from the Al-Ain region. In the workshop, the
        officers learned about the different kinds of health and
        safety risks that exist in school and work environments
        and how to eliminate them. They also learned how to
        conduct safety training and plan for emergencies.

        Essential Elements of a well Conducted

        Systematic Review

        The Research & Ethics Committee at CoHS held a virtual workshop entitled “Essential Elements of a
        well Conducted Systematic Review” on May 13, 2022. The workshop was designed to train faculty and
        students on how to plan, conduct and communicate the results of a systematic review and conducted
        by Dr. Lina Abou Abbas, Associate Professor at the Neuroscience Research Center, Faculty of Medical
        Sciences, Lebanese University, Senior Epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health, Beirut, Lebanon.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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