Page 6 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 6


        Interview with ADU Chancellor

        Prof. Ghassan Aouad

        So whatever you do, you must provide them with the best opportunities. In Al Ain, you have a fantastic campus;
        it’s beautiful and attractive. This makes people happy because when I go into a space, and I believe in talking
        spaces, the space talks to you, and they say, ‘Welcome to Abu Dhabi University- Al Ain campus. We are here to
        help you and support you.’ There is the student hub too; I think it’s a fantastic achievement in Al Ain and in Abu
        Dhabi, and it’s a buzzing environment. The learning experience, of course, and the infrastructure for that are very
        important, as they are identifying some very good academic programs as well that support the marketplace.

        9. As an expert in the field of education, what parting words or pieces of wisdom would you like to
        impart to present and future ADU students as they begin their academic careers at the university?

        I think the word ‘education’ is the most interesting. As I mentioned before, you’re making people’s lives better,
        making them happy, and creating a critical mass of graduates. In the higher education sector in general, of
        course, Abu Dhabi University will always provide our students with the best experience and look after our alumni
        as well, in case they’re struggling to find jobs. But, for students who want to enter the world of academia and
        maybe continue their studies in the future, do a PhD and come back and become an assistant professor, then
        associate professor, then full professor. It’s exciting work, as every day is different because of the nature of the
        job. I would ask our students to be committed, to work hard, and to work smart, as they know what they want.
        They must do something they really want to do, and if they are keen on pursuing their ambitions in the world of
        academia, then carry on doing their master’s and PhD and then publish, of course. If they are not interested in the
        world of academia, then they must go to the sector they really like if they want to excel in it. My advice, as I said at
        the very beginning, is that you must be a leader. I don’t mean somebody who is a chief executive, etc. You can be
        a leader if you are a driver. Once you have the leadership and the vision, it becomes clear. For example, if I want
        to become a professor in 15 years’ time, then I go ahead and do a master’s and a Ph.D. degree. So, you can plan
        your future from a logical standpoint. Sometimes things might not go the way you want them to, and this is why
        we should aim and try at least and hope that you will achieve it.

                                                                          Nageena Mohammad & Ramez Camille
                                                                           Freshman Guide Contributors & Interviewers

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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