Page 15 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 15


        For the past two years, I've been a                   Not only that, but the preparation was
        member of the ASC. The satisfaction of                completed in less than two weeks! I
        knowing you contributed to someone's                  was pleased with them, as well as with

        success is indescribable and I cannot                 myself and the faculty. Her concern
        put into words how it feels. I worked                 had provided me with the opportunity
        as an ENG200 course assistant this                    and incentive to work diligently with

        semester.        I      regularly       request       the students who expressed their
        professors to provide me with a list of               delight with the progress as a result of

        struggling students so that I may focus               the progress we had made together.
        my efforts on them. However, one of
        the grade reports I received caught my

        eye. The students were evidently                      That gave me some time to reflect. We
        having a difficult time. So much so that              would not have gotten these amazing
        half of the students in the class were                outcomes if the professor hadn't

        failing.                                              addressed them and got me involved. I
                                                              came to the conclusion that students
        I made an attempt to work closely with                who are clearly in need of help rarely

        the faculty of the class in order to aid              ask for it. This might be due to the fact
        the       struggling        students.        The      that their self-esteem is tied to their

        professor's concern for her students                  grade. Professors are always willing to
        was evident, and she did her best to                  make things as simple as possible for
        assist them as much as possible. We                   their students. If you're having trouble,
        decided to collaborate and strategize                 talk to them and come up with a viable

        in order to help students. I worked                   solution. To tell you the truth, the
        with the professor's three sections for               more you ask for help, the more

        a total of eight hours. We went over                  powerful you become. If you are a
        every detail together and the students                student who is having problems with
        were quickly able to react confidently.               their classes or if you know someone

        They were not allowing the fear of                    who is, think about the ASC. Students
        giving an incorrect answer to creep                   like you serve as peer tutors and
        into their minds. Let's fast forward to               course assistants. They are well-versed

        the day of their exam. Their grades                   in the circumstances you're in. All you
        soared to new heights. They were able                 have to do is extend your hands for
        to improve their grade from a D to a B!               help and that help will never let you


        Rabiya Shaukat
        - Course assistant
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