Page 16 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 16


       Crazy Wordle

     Wordle is a daily word game. It's fun, simple and,

     like a crossword, can only be played             once a

     day. Every 24 hours there's a new word of the
     day, and it's up to you to figure out what it is.

     According      to The      New     York   Times, over

     300,000 people play it daily. Wordle is more

     than a word game. It’s also a conversation

     starter and people are absolutely bonkers over
     it.That's why it's become so popular!

     CLICK HERE to play the Wordle of the day!

                                                                       Fitness and

     Not sure what to make for lunch?
     How about a healthy, tasty and                                    Health
     colorful kale salad?
     Kale and avocados are
     considered to  be superfoods,
     so including these in one meal
     is sure to give your body a                         Steps:
     healthy boost.
                                                    1. Kale is a tough green leaf,be sure to soften it
                                                     with  2 tablespoons of olive oil. Wash and dry the
      Suggested Ingredients:
      8 oz.kale stemmed                              kale.  Place the kale in a bowl and rub the
      ¼ green apple                                  olive oil carefully into the leaves. Allow this to
      1 oz. walnuts (pecans and                      stand for 30- 45 minutes while you prepare the rest
                                                     of the salad.
      almonds also work)                           2. Peel and chop the green apple into bite-sized
      3-4 cherry tomatoes                            pieces.
      ½ ripe avocado
      2 tablespoons of olive oil                   3.Peel the avocado, remove the central seed and
                                                     chop the avocado into similar-sized pieces as the
      Dressing:                                      green apple.
      5 tablespoons olive oil                      4. Wash and add the cherry tomatoes.
      1-2 cloves garlic (minced)                   5.In a frying pan, toast the walnuts for 2-3 minutes,
      1 teaspoon Dijon mustard                       and add to the salad when cool.
      2 tablespoons lemon juice                    6.Prepare the dressing by combining the
      1 teaspoon honey                               ingredients until emulsified.
      Salt and pepper to taste                     7. Drizzle the dressing on the salad, and enjoy!
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