Page 18 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 18


                                         Professor Tania Tahtouh

                                         Assistant Professor at the College
                                         of Health sciences

                                        Dr. Tania describes herself as an outgoing person

                                        with traveling and having lab experience from all
                                        over the      world. She stated that she had a very

                                        diverse experience as a student that helped shape
                                        her    throughout her life. “I met some amazing
                                        colleagues and professors that helped me grow as

                                        a student and person. My advice to students is to
                                        stay open      and never miss out an opportunity to

                                        learn;    whether         it’s   through      an    internship,
                                        attending additional workshops or even watching

                                        videos. Grab any chance of learning, personally or

                                        Dr. Adel Khelifi

                                        Associate Professor of Computer Science
                                        and  IT

                                       Dr. Khelifi holds a high level of knowledge and

                                       expertise. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a
                                       Canadian ISO member in Software Engineering. He

                                       is ABET PEV and passionate about Archaeology.
                                       His advice to students is “Please enjoy using the

                                       tremendous available infrastructure to make your
                                       learning journey as amazing as possible. Kindly put

                                       in mind that you may not have such opportunity to
                                       found your career and to shape your future. Finally,
                                       I advise you to choose a major that you love not

                                       you like”.
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