Page 12 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 12


                                                  The Contentment in Mentoring

                                When  freshmen  walk  into  the  university,  the  look  of

                                confusion on their faces makes me feel uneasy. I wish

                                to put a smile on their face and help them make their
                                tasks  easier  from  "location  of  the  library"  to  "course

                                combinations". This  semester  I  got  the  opportunity  to

                                do  all  of  this,  and  it  was  one  of  the  most  satisfying,

   Maleeha Mehveesh             enjoyable and fun experiences that I’ve come across.
   Mohammad Rasool
   – Peer Mentor

                                                     The Treasure of Knowledge
                                                     My  Experience in Tutoring

                                 I have always had a passion for helping people out and

                                 teaching them. This was enhanced only when I joined

                                 the Academic Success Center. My passion for helping

                                 and meeting different students started increasing and I
                                 gained          more          knowledge,             confidence,            and

                                 communication skills. I would love to take the
    Ahmed Salah Khalaf           opportunity again and again.
    – Course Assistant
                                                         A Lesson Not a Lecture

                                 Being a course assistant for almost a year and a half now,
                                 has been a great experience to spread my knowledge

                                 with the students; to help them succeed in their

                                 academics. The most important thing that I value is the

                                 tutor-tutee relationship, and it has blossomed in all the
                                 sessions that I have taken so far. As I am in my final year,

                                 I would definitely want to cherish each and every

   Violet Sarah Prince           moment that I get to spend with my tutees and
    – Course Assistant           definitely influence them positively.
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