Page 11 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 11



           Hello readers! This is Tasneem. I am a 5th-year      “We are happy and proud of our little girl
           architecture student, and I am graduating this       who has grown fast in a blink of an eye,
           semester. I have been part of the ASC for 3          we    are also curious about the future
           years and it has been one of the best things I       and looking     forward to what’s coming
           experienced since I started my university            next. We wish you       good luck, and we
           journey, as I volunteered with them to be a          pray that you     graduate    with the high
           peer mentor,     peer tutor, and as a course         grades you worked hard for,       fulfill your
           assistant. When you     come to think of it, as      dreams, have a stunning future,           and
           our university journey     comes to an end, so       design amazing projects”.
           does our parents’ journey in         helping and
           supporting us to graduate and reach the top.         Hearing those words from my parents
           We   should   take    into  consideration    their   made     me realize that my success is
           feelings just as much as ours. Therefore, I          theirs as much     as it is mine. No words
           decided to interview my parents and dive into        can describe how much I thank my
           how they       are feeling about their child         parents for everything they did and are
           graduating.                                          still doing. Their support, guidance, and
                                                                prayers were the keys that        helped me
           When I asked my parents to tell you about me         continue my journey.
           they said: “We can see you as a cooperative,
           kind-hearted person who is open to new               “Many thanks goes to the supportive and
           changes, challenges, and opportunities”. They        lovely family of the     Academic     Success
           believe that I   have grown since I started at       Center, who taught me a lot and made
           ADU and that I learned how to multi-task, as I       my journey at ADU more special.”
           was    experiencing        more    group     work,
           presentations, and stressful situations to deal
           with and that I have grown mentally and
           gained more intellectual and        interpersonal          – Tasneem Elmandouh
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