Page 10 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 10



                                                              ASC hosted a movie night as it is
    COMPETITION                                               a great way to gather friends

                                                              and enjoy a fun and relaxing
      An exciting competition was
                                                              night in. Students were invited
      held during Ramadan where
                                                              from all around the campus to
      students were asked questions
                                                              get together to have a good
      related to Ramadan and Islam.                           time.       The       movie         streamed

      In a rapid-fire competition,                            during the movie night was

      students were expected to                               voted on the popular demand of

      answer those questions very                             the      students.         No      movie       is

      quickly. Many students and                              complete without great snacks,

                                                              therefore popcorns and crisps
      faculty participated in these
                                                              were provided to students to
      impromptu Q&A round and the
                                                              serve them a ton of fun with the
      winners were rewarded with a
                                                              movie of their choice. The

      goodie bag and vouchers.                                experience                 was            more

                                                              entertaining          by     having        good

      CLICK HERE to watch the                                 food to go along with the

      competition video                                       movie. The ASC is planning to

                                                              have such movie nights on a

                                                              weekly basis, with many more

                                                              exciting movies to be streamed

                                                              in the future.
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