Page 19 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 19

Professor Illias  Kampouris

                                       Assistant Professor of Finance

                                       Dr.  Illias  Kampouris  describes  himself  as  ambitious

                                       and  always striving to pursue his goals and dreams.

                                       “I  believe  that  students  should  capitalize  on  their
                                       strengths. It provides you with a distinct advantage.

                                       Specialize  in  whatever  you  are  good  at.  It  would
                                       distinguish  you  from  others,  giving  you  a  higher

                                       opportunity in the labor market.You can only attain
                                       your goals and do whatever you want in life if you

                                       have    that  light  in  front  of  you. You  need  to  build
                                       and    practice  over  time. After  some  practice,  you
                                       begin  to    understand  things  differently.  Make  the

                                       most of your  abilities”.

                                       Dr. Sullay Kanu

                                       Senior Instructor of English

                                       Dr. Sullay was born and bred in Sierra Leone and

                                       studied there          up to masters level, then he
                                       continued his studies where              he took his second

                                       masters and followed it by a PhD. He labeled his

                                       experience as a student as very interesting, as he
                                       stated: “I carry with me the idea of studying in 3

                                       parts of the world, Africa, Europe, and North

                                       America”. As an advice he hopes for the students to
                                       cherish, he stated, “Let the library be your friend”.

                                       This     advice, he himself acquired from his high

    Credits tothe                      school teacher who coincidentally then became his
    interviewers:                      professor at the        university. He also advices every
    ·   AribaNaushad                   student to ask          themselves, “Why are you here
    ·   SyedMuhammadNoman              studying at the university?”, this question will help
    ·   RabiyaShaukat

    ·   AmalAl-Hanbali                 every student understand their goal and set their
                                       mindsets straight about what they want to achieve.
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