Page 14 - ASC Newsletter - Spring 2021-22
P. 14

Student Achievements

                                       Every Design Tells a Story!

       This spring semester I had this                         The goal is to expose students
       wonderful opportunity to be                             to workplace interactions in

       hand-picked by my professors                            order for them to acquire

       (Arch. Alessandra Misuri) along                         creativity, competence, and
       with 5 other peers, to be part                          knowledge of characteristics

       of the first competition held                           that reassure "we are stronger

       by Gensler Middle East in                               together”.
       collaboration                 with           the

       universities. The competition                           I was grouped with three

       was called “Every Design Tells
       a Story”.                                               American University in Dubai
                                                               students and a Design Institute

                                                               of Design and an Innovation

       The        Gensler           DE&I        Inter-         student. Together with my
       University Design Competition                           mentor Mr. Anas we were able

       aims to promote awareness of

       Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion                        to create “RoOtS” – a table

       in the design industry.                                 that embraces INCLUSION.

                                                                              - Dana Ali (Course Assistant)
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