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        Listening To Music While Studying
        Listening to music is one of the studying habits that some students tend to build, as they believe doing this increases
        their productivity. For some it is a motivation, for others it is a distraction, so how to determine that? Although music can
        brighten up the mood and help in relaxation, but to answer this question two things should be considered - the music
        type and the task features. Listening to fast, loud or sad music has negative effects on the working memory as well as
        the mood. Similarly, some complex tasks require full attention and engagement which can be disturbed by any kind of
        background music. Therefore, it is not always recommended, but sometimes one should give it a try.
        Hebatallah A. AlGhussein

        How Educational Can Reading Be For You

        I turned my life upside down through reading. I went from a kid who got bullied for not being able to speak English to a
        youngster who is now fluent in it. At the beginning of my journey, I only knew two words in English, “Hi” and “Bye”. One
        day I got fed up and promised myself to learn how to speak English even if it was the hardest thing I could do. Reading
        was the first thing I did; I read countless short stories that had Arabic versions and translated word by word. It was
        hard in the beginning, but I kept reading. It started to get better with each book, and I soon realized that everything is
        possible with hard work. Reading made it possible for me to change myself, and I will always be thankful for that.

        Jaafar Yasser Mardenli Khayat

        How I Feel When I Achieve My Goals

        Achieving something is the best feeling in the world be it educational or otherwise. Different people have different
        ways of excelling with their expertise but only a remote few have the capabilities of pushing it even further towards
        perfection. That is where the achievement comes in as a reward for their perseverance and unwavering efforts towards
        it. Whenever I plan out my goals, I always doubt myself about whether it is worth doing it or not. When trying to achieve
        those goals, I often feel overwhelmed and confused, yet I always keep moving forward without giving up. It is this
        feeling which enables me to accomplish my goals. Always remember, today’s failure is tomorrow’s success!

        Mohammed Habibur Rahman

        Studying In A Multicultural Environment

        One of the main things that students need to work on cultivating is the ability to create relationships. It is here that
        multiculturalism is beneficial as it helps students interact with people of different cultures. When you are in a multicultural
        environment, you are naturally curious and tend to talk and communicate more with your peers. It can also build an
        open mind in the students. There are different people in a university, and each learner can teach his culture to his fellow
        peers. They can even exchange stories and facts about their country and other interesting data about their country,
        therefore paving way to several fun ways to build relationships. Moreover, a multicultural study room can also serve as
        an equal opportunity for people to understand and respect each other. University life has the potential to be diverse and
        rich and as students it is on us to make the best out of it. There is this saying in aviation, “You start with a bag full of luck
        and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.”

        Salman Mujeeb Rahman

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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