Page 15 - ASC Highlights
P. 15


        Importance of

        Academic Integrity

        The Head of the Office of Academic Integrity talks to us about how they go evaluating
        scholastic violations.

                              1.  What does the word ‘integrity’ mean? How can a student become a person of

                              The word integrity is the quality that defines and measures a person’s sense of ethics, morality,
                              and social responsibility.
                              Students should value and promote ethical behavior and uphold the highest standards of
                              academic honesty in all aspects of study.

                              2.  What are some of the types of academic misconduct?

                              At ADU, there are six major types of violations: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication of
        Dr. Hamdi Mustafa     data, falsification of documents and free riding.
        Dean of College of    3.  Does being a person of integrity get challenging at times? If yes, what is the best
        Engineering & Head of     way to handle it?
        the Office of Academic
        Integrity             Being a person with integrity is challenging at some point as you may be dealing with different
                              kinds of people, attitudes, cultures and beliefs. Sometimes, implementing the standards of
                              academic integrity might not be welcomed by others who are not familiar with or used to
                              a culture of academic integrity. However, if you appreciate the value of integrity, and your
                              decisions are taken within the standards of academic integrity, others will have a chance to be
                              educated about it and the challenges turn into opportunities.

                              4.  During team projects, it is common to have students freeriding, and the professor
                                  does not know it. This causes anger and frustration for a hard-working student who
                                  wants to say something but does not want to be targeted as a snitch or tattletale.
                                  What can he do about it?

                              As we do not tolerate this kind of practice where a student is being dependent on his/her
                              colleagues through freeriding, the OAI initiated an awareness campaign for such matters.
                              For example, the objective of a team project is to implement a collaborative learning process
                              that allows students to exchange knowledge, skills, and experiences.  Therefore, in instances
                              where some of the members may abuse their roles in the team and refuse to contribute to the
                              teamwork after being notified more than once, students are, then, encouraged to report this
                              kind of misconduct to their instructors or to the OAI. The necessary investigation and action
                              will be taken by reforming the team or requesting a detailed progression report (peer review)
                              from each team member while maintaining the confidentiality of information.

                              5.  What are the rights of a student during an Academic Misconduct Hearing?
                              Students  have  the  right  to  speak  openly.  They  can/should  provide  proof  to  support  their
                              position in the case. We also allow students to appeal the decision of the initial hearing if it is
                              justified and valid.

                              6.  What is the best advice you can give to students?

                              Doing the right thing is more important than doing wrong things to feel good. If you think
                              lying is going to help you get away with things, think twice—for honesty is always the best way
                              to survive. Therefore, remain honest and uphold the standards of integrity in your daily lives.

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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