Page 21 - ASC Highlights
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        What Motivates Me To Do Things?
        Motivation  can  get  you  looking  and  feeling  healthy  for  that  summer  break;  you  can  even  find  yourself  driving  a
        shimmering new car out of your favorite dealership and all because of a little inspiration. Motivation is undoubtedly one
        of the most important driving factors in life. Personally, my motivation stems from an intrinsic curiosity; I am constantly
        trying to understand how things work. Grasping minor details that fit like rotating cogs into the machine, we call ‘life’
        undeniably fascinates me. The primary motivator behind my career path, my hobbies, and most of my actions is this
        insatiable itch to comprehend everything around me. To leave with a little advice for those feeling unmotivated, take the
        time to find out where your passions lie, and you will find a bottomless pool of motivation.

        Viyal Soni

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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