Page 16 - ASC Highlights
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        Interview with the AA

        Academic Advisor

        Our academic advisors are instrumental in coordinating communications between faculty,
        students and tutors.

                              1.  What is your academic background?

                              I am an Abu Dhabi University product through and through as I graduated from Abu Dhabi
                              University, where I majored in Business Administration and minored in Finance.
                              2.  As an academic advisor, inspiration is important. Who has inspired you and why?

                              I never thought I would be working as an academic advisor, as advising is not a major, you
                              decide to study in when you are in college. I was lucky enough to see the ASC in action and watch
                              real-time how many of my peers were able to develop their skills and improve exponentially.
                              Seeing that, I knew that I wanted to be part of this educational eco-system where I too could
        Israa Hussein         contribute in ways that would help students achieve success. It really is a wonderful feeling to
        Academic Advisor      see them succeed with your help.
        (AA Campus)
                              3.  Explain your approach to counseling individuals to help them understand and
                                  overcome personal, social, or behavioral problems affecting their educational

                              As an advisor, it is critical to always remember that advising is a form of teaching.  An advisor
                              must not be afraid to help students and work towards creating teachable moments. It is in those
                              moments that an advisor can help students grow and develop. I believe that communication
                              has the power of building a bond between people. I believe in connecting with the students as
                              it really helps me assist them with their problems and difficulties.  .

                              4.  Describe  an  experience  in  which  you  identified  the  educational  needs of  the
                                  students who approached you and successfully developed a way to guide them.

                              It is hard to mention a single situation; overall, I had wonderful experiences over the past five
                              years working at ADU.  A single session cannot measure it as every student has a challenging
                              story, and together we have to make it successful, as it is not an option not to. Advising is not
                              limited to educational and academic needs only. At the end, their overall success is the key and
                              their self-satisfaction about their achievement is the most rewarding appreciation.

                              5.  How  do  you  ensure  that  students  achieve  their  goals?  How  do  you  track  their

                              I always strive to help our students’ lives and experiences to ensure they are smooth and
                              fulfilling. However, being students, they have several things on their plate, and so I make sure
                              to check on them regularly to ensure that they are not overwhelmed. I establish with them in
                              advance their preferred modes of communication either via, texts, calling, e-mail etc. This way
                              I track them on their terms and the regularity of it helps me ensure that I am able to help them
                              when they have problems.

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Fall 2020
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