Page 8 - ADU Al Ain Gazette
P. 8
believe in being deeply engaged and contrib- However, upon realizing the impact it had on
uting wherever possible to make a meaningful my well-being, I took proactive steps to change
impact within our university community. my strategies and prioritize a balance between
my studies and council responsibilities. Addi-
How do you engage and mobilize fellow stu- tionally, participating in workshops offered by
dents to participate in community service ac- Abu Dhabi University had a positive impact,
tivities? providing valuable tools and techniques to
overcome these challenges effectively.
To engage and mobilize fellow students for
community service activities, my colleague Can you share any memorable experiences
Samah and I established a dedicated team or stories from your involvement in commu-
group and a WhatsApp group. Through these nity service activities?
platforms, we regularly posted updates about
upcoming events, volunteering opportunities, One of the most memorable experiences from
and important announcements. I am grateful my involvement in community service activi-
for the active participation of every student in- ties was witnessing the camaraderie and dedi-
volved, as their support made organizing cation within the student council during our
events much smoother and more effective. meetings to prepare for upcoming events. The
collaborative effort and hard work put into
What challenges have you encountered in planning and organizing each event were truly
your role as community service coordinator,
and how have you overcome them? inspiring. Seeing the successful outcome of
these efforts, where our initiatives positively
Two significant challenges I encountered in my impacted the community, was incredibly re-
role as Community Service Coordinator were warding and solidified the value of community
related to mental health and time manage- service in my mind. These experiences rein-
ment. Initially, I faced overwork during the fall forced my passion for serving others and mak-
semester, which I was not fully aware of at the ing a meaningful difference.