Page 7 - ADU Al Ain Gazette
P. 7
Seif Elsayed: Empowering
Community Service at ADU
A Journey of Engagement, Challenges, and Aspirations
My name is Seif Elsayed, and I am currently studying Com-
puter Engineering with a concentration in AI in my second
year at Abu Dhabi University. As of writing this, I hold the
position of the Community Service Coordinator at ADU's Al
Ain campus. Prior to this role, I gained a lot of experience as
a volunteer with organizations such as and the
Red-Crescent. These experiences have been instrumental in
shaping my current responsibilities and approach within
Could you provide an overview of your role from my desire to actively contribute to Abu
as the community service coordinator within Dhabi University's vibrant community.
the student council? Additionally, I was encouraged by my col-
league, Omar Alfie, to run for a position in the
As the Community Service Coordinator within student council. I am grateful for the support
the student council, my role mainly encom- of everyone who voted for me, as it enabled
passes overseeing all community service initia- me to become a valuable member of the coun-
tives both within and outside of Abu Dhabi Uni- cil and fulfill this important role in serving our
versity (ADU) as long as they were associated university and its surrounding communities.
with ADU. This includes organizing and manag- Can you share some of the community ser-
ing various service events, coordinating with vice projects or initiatives you have organized
the Student Affairs department for support or been involved in during your tenure?
and resources, and ensuring that our commu-
nity service efforts align with the university's During my tenure, I have actively participated
values and goals. Additionally, I work closely in a variety of community service projects and
with student volunteers and faculty members initiatives organized by the Community Service
to plan and prepare for every upcoming event. and Student Affairs departments. Some nota-
What inspired you to take on the position of ble involvements include organizing both
community service coordinator? freshman orientations, participating in club
fairs, celebrating National Day events, and
The inspiration behind my decision to become
the Community Service Coordinator stemmed dedicating numerous hours to volunteering. I