Page 32 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 32

32  voice   · FALL 2023



                        OF AI

         WRITTEN BY MAYA OSAMA (1088882), AHOOD
         HELAL (1084247), & RANA REDA (1088304)

         Artificial Intelligence (AI), a fascinating field
         within computer science, aims to develop
         machines  capable  of  emulating  human
         intelligence. From assisting in complex prob-
         lem-solving to streamlining daily tasks, AI

         has made remarkable strides in reshaping
         various aspects of people’s lives. However,
         like any transformative technology, AI comes
         with its own set of advantages and challenges
         that need to be carefully examined.

         Trust issues                                         Emotionless
         Trust is a critical aspect of any technology,        One notable characteristic of AI is its lack
         and AI is no exception. While AI has shown           of emotions. This absence is a significant
         promising advancements in various sectors,           drawback as emotions play a crucial role
         including the medical field, there are legit-        in human interactions, guiding our under-
         imate concerns about accepting machines              standing of complex social dynamics and

         as substitutes for human expertise. Patients         ethical considerations.
         naturally trust human doctors with years             Without emotions, AI systems lack the ability
         of experience. Consequently, depending on            to empathize or comprehend human inten-
         machines for medical judgments may be dis-           tions, posing challenges, especially in areas
         satisfying for some, given the perceived lack        like customer service, where human connec-
         of empathy, and intuition in AI systems.             tion is vital.
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