Page 35 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 35

FALL 2023 ·   voice 35


                                                            c. 355 — c. 415

                                                            A pioneering Greek mathematician, astron-
                                                            omer and philosopher who rigorously

                                                            pursued  knowledge despite it not being
                                                            socially acceptable at the time for women.
                                                            Her ethos encompasses the courage to exper-
                                                            iment and make mistakes that underpins
                                                            all scientific progress, stating “reserve your
                                                            right to think, for even to think wrongly is
                                                            better than not to think at all.”

           Ibn Battuta

           1304  — 1369

           A medieval Muslim traveler who composed
           the Rilah, which is considered one of the
           world’s most famous travel notebooks. His
           75,000-mile  trip  across  and  beyond  the
           Islamic world is chronicled in his books, with
           regions documented spanning the Middle
           East, North Africa, and various parts of Asia.
           His works serve as a valuable historical

           resource for scholars seeking to understand
           the social, and cultural complexities of the
           Islamic world during the 14th century.
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