Page 29 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 29

FALL 2023 ·   voice 29

         in the sheet metal barn my great-grand-              “
         father built. Listening to a calf bawling
         for his mother to feed him or a whippoor-            I may have spent most of
         will bird in the distance making the same            my life living overseas,
         repetitive “whip-poor-will” sound while
         I drifted off to sleep under several layers          but these are the
         of handmade quilts in a cold upstairs                memories I always return
         room. Then waking up in the morning to               to no matter where I am.

         the smell of fresh eggs cooking, biscuits            They help keep me sane
         baking and coffee brewing. I may have                in an insane world.
         spent most of my life living overseas, but
         these are the memories I always return
         to no matter where I am. They help keep
         me sane in an insane world.
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