Page 28 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 28

28  voice   · FALL 2023

             Mr. Shannon

             Todd Glasgow

             Senior Instructor of English, AA

                My deepest, most heartfelt memories           ones from the stone cellar where tem-
             of stays at my grandparents’ farm in rural       peratures remained cool throughout the
             southeast Missouri live on as echoes of a        year. Catching grasshoppers and digging
             youthful time when life seemed simple,           up worms to fish in the pond that was
             innocent and carefree. A happy place I           reached after a 10-minute walk through
             revisit whenever I’m feeling down, lonely        the woods. Drinking cool water straight
             or overwhelmed from life.                        from the well and putting together 1,000
                                                              piece jigsaw puzzles on the kitchen table

                During the warmer months: Collecting          with Grandma.
             eggs from the henhouse where the chick-
             ens weren’t always very accommodating                 During the cooler months: Warming
             about sharing. Gathering fresh vegeta-           my hands over the wood burning stove
             bles and fruits from the garden for the          after  coming  in  from  the  bitter  cold.
             day’s meals or bringing up home-canned           Helping Grandma feed hay to the cows
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