Page 33 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 33

FALL 2023 ·   voice 33

                                                              LOSS OF JOBS
                                                              The rise of AI and automation raises concerns
                                                              about job opportunities and poverty levels.
                                                              With  the  increasing  automation  of  tasks
                                                              traditionally performed by humans, there
                                                              is a risk of job displacement. For instance,

                                                              Amazon’s deployment of warehouse robots,
                                                              such as “Kiva,” resulted in significant job
                                                              losses. Despite claims that these automa-
                                                              tions create new roles and opportunities, the
                                                              overall impact on employment is not evenly
                                                              distributed. Downstream, this could lead to
                                                              the exacerbation of socioeconomic inequal-
                                                              ities in wider society.

                                                              While it is true that AI presents numerous
                                                              opportunities and potential benefits, it is cru-
                                                              cial to acknowledge and address the risks
                                                              associated with its widespread adoption.
                                                              Although AI may have limitations in think-
       PRIVACY RISKS                                          ing “outside the box,” it excels in reducing
       Sophisticated AI systems raise the risk of manip-      errors, as evidenced by AI-powered robotic
       ulation for malicious purposes. AI-powered             surgical systems enhancing patient safety in
       bots and algorithms can spread misinforma-             healthcare. Valid concerns exist regarding
       tion, engage in fraudulent activities, or even         job loss due to automation. However, it is
       carry out cyberattacks. Numerous people have           important to recognize that AI also creates

       reported that they have been affected by deep-         opportunities by transforming industries
       fakes—a technology that utilizes AI to create          and fostering economic growth. Through
       highly realistic, yet false or manipulated, videos     investments in education, upskilling, and
       or audio recordings. Safeguarding against such         responsible AI practices, we can ensure a
       threats demands robust security measures, reg-         future where AI benefits society while miti-
       ulations, and ongoing research.                        gating potential drawbacks.
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