Page 27 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 27

FALL 2023 ·   voice 27

         Dr. Hatem

         Abushammala                                                                  P rof. Glasser

         Assistant Professor of Environmental Health & Safety

             One of my most cherished memories is a           feeling well and he was aware of it. In
         conversation over lunch I had in Germany in          that conversation, he told me about some
         2017 with Prof. Wolfgang Glasser, professor          of the hardships he had to go through in
         emeritus at Virginia Tech in the USA and the         his personal and professional life while
         godfather of my field of research, sustainable       staying successful. He also told me that
         materials. He was also once the mentor of my         life may be unfair sometimes, but we
         Ph.D. supervisor at the time and I therefore         must keep pushing forward, and it will
         had the opportunity to meet him occasion-            ultimately be fair.
         ally when he visited our department at the
         University of Freiburg, Germany.                         One important thing he highlighted is

                                                              that we have to stay ethical if our sur-
             I consider Prof. Glasser my godfather            roundings are not. In summary, I learned
         because I learned a lot from him every time          from him that I have to work hard, stay
         we met. However,  the conversation I had             positive, be ethical, and humble, and
         with him over that lunch was a special one           believe in the process. I always remem-
         because it was during a time when I was not          ber that conversation.
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