Page 26 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 26

26  voice   · FALL 2023

         Dr. Mohamed

         Sultan Abdulla Ali

         Lecturer in Media Production

             One of my best memories comes from               on us because they remind us that peaceful-
         my childhood. I remember waking up to the            ness and tranquility result from our most
         smell of something being baked. Heading              basic surroundings, such as family or friends,
         straight to the kitchen, I saw my mom                and simple aspirations. Remembering
         baking a delicious chocolate cake. I can still       that keeps this memory alive, especially
         remember the aroma, and how succulent                in times of high anxiety or extreme stress.
         that chocolate cake was! As simple as that
         memory was, it shaped an important aspect                I don’t necessarily have any habits or rit-
         of my life or attitude towards life, which is to     uals that help me relive or remember this
         cherish and enjoy the little things. We get lost     moment, but I’m mostly reminded of it when

         in our work, pursuits, passions, and desires,        I spend time with those who are close to me.
         but we tend to forget or neglect the aspects         If there’s one thing I could leave you with,
         of our lives that, in the long run, we will look     it’s to cherish the simple moments in your
         back and think “that was truly a time where I        life, especially with your loved ones, because
         felt happy or blessed.” I think, in many ways,       those will probably be the most meaningful
         those simple moments make the most impact            moments in your life.
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