Page 24 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 24

24  voice   · FALL 2023


         of ADU

         EDITED BY RABIYA SHAUKAT (1075090)

         ADU instructors share their most
         cherished memories.

         Dr. Collette

         Anne Foster

         Senior Instructor of English, AA

             In our world of digital communication,           soul, then you can begin to understand the
         where messages flicker across our screens,           warmth I felt in my heart when I received
         what I miss most are the letters my grand-           her letters. She was sharing her life with me.
         mother used to write to me.  The art of letter
         writing has almost disappeared, which I find             Even though she is no longer alive, I still
         very sad. My grandmother used to write to            read her letters sometimes, as they are my
         me most of my life until she passed away.            keepsakes,  my memories of  an  amazing
         Each letter I received from my grandmother           person and I am able to relive her stories

         was full of stories of her life, recipes and chit    to me every time I read the letters that she
         chat that made me feel happy and also made           sent me over the years. They still make me
         me laugh. We don’t get that from emails and          smile. When you write a letter, it is writ-
         texts. If you think of a letter as an artist’s       ten from your heart. Each word is chosen
         canvas, where words are painted, not just            with care, each sentence crafted with con-
         with ink, but with the very essence of your          sideration. Letters are not just messages;
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