Page 23 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 2
P. 23

FALL 2023 ·   voice 23

         WRITTEN BY AHMAD YAHIA (1084533), AMMAR KHALED (1084986),
         MUSAB ABUOBAIDA (1079515), & AHMAD FIRAS (1079832)

              n  the  digital  age,  cyberbullying is a       concerned about cyberbullying, and over
              crucial issue for discussion, given its pro-    32 per cent of children have already fallen
         I found psychological and social impact on           victim to cyberbullying within their lifetime.
         individuals and communities. People of all           Globally, online bullying has an impact on
         ages are affected by cyberbullying, includ-          socioeconomic and cultural factors, reinforc-
         ing children, teenagers, and adults who              ing stereotypes, racism, and intercultural
         experience extreme distress and isolation            tensions. This may alter how young victims
         when victimized online. This digital menace          view other people, imprinting negative emo-
         not only negatively affects day-to-day life,         tions that will last into adulthood.
         but also results in long-term consequences,

         such  as  diminished  self-esteem  and  life         Governments have a critical role in fostering
         satisfaction.                                        a safe online environment that efficiently
                                                              addresses cyberbullying. Locally, the UAE has
         Disturbingly enough, the consequences of             done an excellent job, creating the Federal
         cyberbullying are more severe than tradi-            Decree-Law No. 34 of 2021 on Combating
         tional bullying. According to the US-based           Rumors and Cybercrimes, which has created
         Centers for Disease Control and Prevention           strict punishments for harmful gossip, def-
         (2018), cyberbullying was the second leading         amation and harassment perpetuated via

         precipitating cause of death among individ-          online media platforms. Globally, further
         uals aged between 10 and 24.                         steps should be taken in other countries to
                                                              adopt legislation that identifies cyberbully-
         Understanding the root causes of cyberbul-           ing offenses and provides strict punishments
         lying reveals the complex dynamics at play.          for offenders and perpetrators. Collaborating
         The ability to maintain anonymity online             with IT and social media companies is also
         is one of the main driving factors behind            essential  to  safeguard  users  and  handle
         cyberbullying. This empowers offenders to            cyberbullying incidents.
         hide behind screens, thereby fostering their
         criminal behavior. Additionally, the desire          Simultaneously, adults should remain vig-
         for power and control plays a significant            ilant for signs of cyberbullying and take
         role in motivating individuals engaged in            appropriate actions to intervene and address

         cyberbullying.                                       issues. Creating a safe and respectful online
                                                              environment involves spreading awareness
         The effects of cyberbullying extend beyond           and supporting the victims. Together, we can
         individual suffering, impacting society on a         fight  against  cyberbullying,  contributing
         national and even global scale. Local research       towards a digital world that is built upon
         has found that 56 per cent of parents are            empathy and human dignity.
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