Page 5 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 5

FALL 2023 ·   voice 05

         while preserving resources for our future            important to recognize the fragile equilib-
         generations.                                         rium between human wants and the planet’s
             Sustainability  is  fundamentally  about         ability to supply for them. Consider the socie-
         addressing today’s demands without sacri-            tal effects of your decisions and back ethical
         ficing the capacity of coming generations to         behavior. Take advantage of sustainability
         address their own needs. This issue of the           as  a  chance  for  creativity.  Honor  people
         magazine not only focuses on sustainabil-            who are bringing about a good change. Let’s
         ity as we currently understand it, but also          pledge to practice responsible stewardship
         on the appreciation of creativity generally.         in order to create a prosperous world and a
         This issue has a variety of articles, including      just society!

         ones on appreciating employees, diverse lan-             This issue of ADU Voice magazine seeks
         guages, sustainable fashion, and Humans of           to dig into the complex world of appreciat-
         ADU: Professors as Students.                         ing sustainability, examining its significance,
             Readers, we urge you to understand the           guiding principles, and the transformational
         value of sustainability and how it affects the       potential it has for people, communities, as
         environment and future generations. It is            well as the planet itself.
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