Page 4 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 4

04  voice   · FALL 2023

         Awe and


         Pioneering a path

         of sustainability in a

         changing world

         WRITTEN BY RABIYA SHAUKAT (1075090)

                 he necessity for sustainable behav-          of environmental sustainability. Social sus-
                 ior is more critical than ever in a          tainability, on the other hand, places a high
         T society where the effects of human                 value on community inclusion, equality, and
         behavior are becoming more and more                  well-being. Further, economic sustainability
         prominent. The idea of sustainability arises         pursues economic prosperity via resource
         as a guiding beacon, providing hope for an           conservation, ethical corporate conduct, as
         improved and more resilient tomorrow as              well as sustainable development, whereas
         we  struggle  with  the  problems  of  global        cultural sustainability promotes understand-
         warming, environmental degradation, and              ing,  honors  and  protects  varied  cultural
         scarce resources.                                    heritage, and stimulates cultural expression.

             Environmental, economic, social as well              With the interconnectedness of humanity
         as cultural sustainability are the four inter-       and the environment in mind, these pillars
         woven pillars that make up sustainability.           work in concert to produce a balanced as
         Managing  resources  responsibly,  cutting           well as a sustainable future. By taking these
         down on pollution, conserving water, and             factors into account, we can create a society
         protecting biodiversity are the main themes          that provides for the needs of the present
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