Page 2 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 2

02  voice   · FALL 2023

                                                            Editor’s Note

                     Rejoy Thomas Mathew                              hat does sustainability mean to you?
                     (1084701)                                        Maybe it brings to mind a lush and vibrant
                                                            W forest, filled with towering trees, and happy
                                                            critters. Or perhaps a futuristic city with sleek sky-
                     Rabiya Shaukat                         scrapers and people zipping around on hoverboards.
                     (1075090)                                 At its core, sustainability is a shared vision of
                     Assistant Editor
                                                            lasting prosperity, a commitment to keep things roll-
                                                            ing—whether they involve relationships, traditions,
                     Lyan Isam Mushref                      or the very environment we live in. It’s more than just
                     (1080322)                              planting trees or recycling, and definitely more than
                     English Journalist
                                                            a trendy catchphrase. True sustainability involves
                                                            weaving intricate connections between our environ-
                     Nora Basel Hamedah                     ment, economy, culture, and society.
                     Arabic Journalist                         This year marks a milestone in UAE’s efforts to
                                                            tackle climate change, with the declaration of 2023 as
                                                            the “Year of Sustainability” and the nation preparing
                     Maryan Bibars Yakoub
                     (1077218)                              to host the world’s biggest climate change confer-
                     Graphic Designer                       ence, COP28. In line with that, this issue of ADU Voice
                                                            focuses on sustainability, highlighting the many ways
                                                            it impacts our lives.
                     Rand Salah Al Remawi
                     (1076312)                                 What does sustainability mean to you? As we dive
                     Graphic Designer                       into this issue, the answer to that question extends
                                                            beyond the lush landscapes and the futuristic city-
                                                            scapes. True sustainability shapes a world where our
                     Leen Khairi Tomeh
                     (1075514)                              hearts, minds, and surroundings flourish in perfect
                     Graphic Designer                       harmony.
                                                               I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each stu-

                     Dr. Richa Goyal                        dent who contributed to the creation of this magazine.
                     Faculty                                A special thank you to our incredible student and
                     Team Coordinator                       faculty team here at ADU Voice, who worked tirelessly
                                                            behind the scenes to curate and craft this issue,

                     Ms. Bianca Jenna Roberts               and Dr. Sreethi Nair, the CAS Dean, for her
                     Faculty                                unwavering support throughout.
                     Head of English Writing
                                                            Rejoy Thomas Mathew (1084701)

                     Dr. Brilliant Mhlanga                  Editor-in-Chief
                     English Writing Coordinator

                     Dr. Ied Shukur Alnidawi
                     Faculty                                     Stay in the loop
                     Head of Arabic Writing                      Follow adu_voice on Instagram.

                     Dr. Mahmoud Sayed Ali
                     Faculty                                     Get in touch
                     Head of Graphic Design                      Click here to talk to us on Teams.
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