Page 13 - ADU Voice
P. 13

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 13

                                       Is everything predetermined?
                               If not, can you make good things happen
                                    by looking at the brighter side and

                                                staying positive?

              believe that one of the  most powerful            Request the universe to help you get it.

              capabilities we have is to manifest reality
         I or to create our reality. Manifestation              Visualize that you have achieved your
         happens when we use the power of our sub-            goal. Let yourself get soaked in the feeling
         conscious mind to achieve a certain goal by          of success. For example, visualize that you
         believing in it, desiring it and visualizing it.     have received the best grades possible. Take
         Manifestation could bring objects of desire          your time to feel deeply.
         such as things, people, good news, success,
         wealth and even happiness into our lives. It           Open your eyes, be thankful and work

         usually happens when we focus our energy             towards your  goal  without  getting  dis-
         on what we want rather than wasting it               tracted by negative emotions.
         on things we don’t. I believe that you and I
         and everyone else is constantly manifesting          This is the simplest form of manifestation,
         whether we realize it or not.                        yet it is super powerful.

         You are probably a student, aren’t you? I am         Manifesting helps me in various ways in
         a student too, and I know that all you can           my daily life. It helps me stop for a  few
         think of right now is finishing your assign-         moments and ask myself what I really want.
         ments and passing your tests. So, I want you         Visualization gives me clarity on how to get
         to try out something different with me today:        there. Being grateful fills me with positivity
                                                              and helps me not waste my emotional energy

           Take a deep breath and eliminate any neg-          on negative day to day experiences.
         ative thoughts you might have.
                                                              Please give it a try. You do not need to have
           Close your eyes and focus on what you              a gigantic goal. You can do it even to find
         want. Maybe even write it down on paper.             peace of mind.
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