Page 9 - ADU Voice
P. 9

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 09

                                                                        Break down your tasks
                                                                       “There is only one way to eat an ele-
                                                                      phant: a bite at a time.” It’s easy to
                                                              feel overwhelmed when tackling big tasks
                                                              like writing a research essay or working on

                                                              a complex project. In such situations, try
                                                              working backwards and breaking your task
                                                              into smaller, bite-sized chunks, just like how
                                                              you’d eat an elephant. This will make it much
                                                              more approachable and easier to digest. Or
                                                              you know, work on.

                                                                     Reward yourself for a job done well
                                                                    Every time you finish a task, reward
                                                                   yourself for completing it. A reward
                                                              could  be something simple  like  treating

                                                              yourself to a nice cup of coffee, or watching
                                                              an episode of your favorite show (or both).
                                                              Having a reward system will help you stay
                                                              focused and motivated when working on
                                                              long, arduous tasks.

                                                                       Don’t get caught off guard
                                                                      Deadlines are like road bumps; if you
                                                                   don’t notice them coming, you’re in for
         to a particular task, or that you still haven’t           a wild ride. To avoid crashing into your
         planned all its details, remind yourself that        deadlines, use a notebook, calendar, or dig-
         it’s okay to begin with something rough and          ital planner to keep track of your upcoming
         work on polishing it later. After all, no one        assignments, quizzes, and projects. This will
         creates a masterpiece on the first try.              help you stay organized and avoid the stress
                                                              that comes with forgetting an important date.

                    Take the first step
                   It’s tempting to put off work until        And that, folks, is how you can ace your
                  the last minute, but starting early will    deadlines while still keeping your sanity in
                 help you build momentum and avoid            check. Remember, deadlines can be stressful,

         procrastination altogether. So the next time         which is why it’s important to prioritize your
         you feel like putting something off, promise         well being and ask for extensions if you’re
         yourself that you’ll just do 5 minutes of work,      struggling to meet them. Sure, every once
         and get started. Once the 5 minutes are up,          in a while you’ll have to embrace the rush
         chances are you’ll feel much more motivated          of completing a task at the eleventh hour.
         to continue working. Or at least you’ll have         After all, what can beat that sense of triumph
         5 minutes worth of work done :).                     when you pull off a last-minute save?
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