Page 14 - ADU Voice
P. 14

14  voice  · SPRING 2023

         Hooked on



          WRITTEN BY HADEEL SALMAN (1079604)
          & DIMA TALAL (1079649)

         “If you are not paying for                           to plenty of social media platforms with-
         the product, you are the                             out having to pay anything for the perks
                                                              you enjoy? When you broaden your scope
                                                              of view, it becomes apparent that all these
         – The Social Dilemma, Documentary                    platforms are nothing but a big market.

              t is likely that your first encounter with      While surfing the internet, you undoubtedly
              this quote will trigger several questions       must have come across a myriad of adver-
         I in your mind. How can one end up as a              tisements and pop-up banners. Haven’t you
         “product” in the 21st century? Does it even          noticed that most of these ads are aimed
         make sense to replace objects with humans            toward things that you are, in fact, interested
         for trading purposes? This quote is much             in? You might think that it is just a coinci-

         more than a line from a documentary. If we           dence, but surprisingly, it is not. Complex
         look deeper into its meaning, we will realize        artificial intelligence systems are embedded
         that the product here is not materialistic.          within these platforms in such a way that
         Now, to make this sound less philosophical,          allows them to make use of your personal
         let us unpack it a bit.                              data. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and
                                                              other social media platforms display adver-
         Isn’t it interesting how you have full access        tisements that are particularly designed to
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