Page 17 - ADU Voice
P. 17

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 17

                             GLOBAL MEDIA


                                         WRITTEN BY RANA AFIFI (1075673)
                                             & ZEYNEP DOGA (1076227)

                           n Wednesday, the 16th of            New Media Academy, CNN Arabia,
                           November 2022, around               and Sky News Arabia. These exhi-
                 O 50  Mass  Communication                     bitions offered various interactive
                  Students from Abu Dhabi                      activities for the students. It was a
                  University  took  a  trip  to  the           fantastic opportunity for us to net-
                  Global  Media  Congress  2022.  We           work with media professionals and
                  were accompanied by two media                broaden our knowledge.
                  lab specialists and two Mass
                  Communication Professors, Dr. Viola          We also attended several panel
                  Gjylbegaj and Dr. Sleiman Samir El           discussions  and  workshops.  The
                  Bssawmai.                                    panel discussions were mainly
                                                               led by C-level executives such as
                  During our trip, we visited exhibits by      Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and

                  some of the biggest media conglom-           Managing Directors and attended
                  erates in the United Arab Emirates           by officials from countries such as
                  (UAE) like Abu Dhabi Media, Two              Singapore, Egypt and India. Topics
                  Four 54 Abu Dhabi, Khaleej Times,            discussed were relevant to the
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