Page 11 - ADU Voice
P. 11

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 11

                                               FRENCH FRIES + MANGO PICKLE

                                                Shania Shamsudheen (1075244): It’s common prac-
                                                  tice to eat ketchup with french fries. My preference for
                                                  french fries, on the other hand, is to pair them with

                                                  mango pickles. This is considered to be my strangest
                                                  eating behavior, despite the fact that I can eat every-
                                                  thing and anything with mango pickles.

                                                        BISCUITS + GARLIC SAUCE

                                                        Maryam Osman Gilani (1080917): Everything
                                                       savory, like shawarma, is excellent with garlic
                                                      sauce. But frequently, I give in to my midnight crav-
                                                     ings for sweet biscuits with garlic sauce. This combo
                                                  always guarantees the finest fireworks for my palate.

         CHICKEN NUGGETS +                                           COOKED GOAT BRAIN +
         VANILLA ICE-CREAM                                             SOUR ORANGES

         Javeria Mohammad (1089891):                                    Dana Mohammed Ali (1071526):
         Although mixing dairy with poul-                                This combination may come as a
         try may seem peculiar to some,                                   shock to many people, but eating
         it’s something that I enjoy                                            cooked goat brain with sour
         every now and then.                                                           oranges is a habit I

         Sizzling chicken                                                                  inherited from
         nuggets dipped                                                                      my father. He
         in cold vanilla                                                                     hooked me on
         ice cream is the                                                                    this food com-
         only combina-                                                                      bination, and I
         tion that can satisfy                                                           have been unstop-
         my sudden cravings!                                                       pable ever since :D.

         Mahboob Anwar (1080468): I might never be
         allowed into Italy because of a crime I commit

         every now and then. You might’ve heard of
         pesto pasta, or even milk pasta, but lo and
         behold, the lentil soup pasta! I make my
         lentil soup with traditional Indian spices
         and add my boiled pasta afterward. It’s a
         specialty you just won’t find anywhere else.
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