Page 8 - ADU Voice
P. 8

08  voice   · SPRING 2023



                    Guide To



                                   WRITTEN BY REJOY THOMAS MATHEW (1084701)

                  eadlines.  Deadlines.  Deadlines.           It’s a rite of passage for every student, and
                  They’re the bane of every student’s         it’s not really university until you’ve experi-
         D existence, and yet, somehow, we                    enced it once (or twice, or thrice).
         can’t seem to get enough of them. They give
         us the perfect excuse to procrastinate until         Now, as cool as it sounds, we all know wait-
         the very last minute, and then rush to com-          ing to pull off tasks at the last minute isn’t
         plete our work in a frenzied panic. After            practical (or even healthy) in the long run.
         all, what’s more exciting than the looming           If you’re stuck in an endless loop of pro-
         threat of a due date hanging over our heads?         crastination and finding it difficult to meet
         It’s like a thrilling game of chicken with our       deadlines, here are 5 tips that can help:

         grades and sanity on the line.
                                                                         Don’t be afraid to be mediocre
         And who can forget the added bonus of                          No one procrastinates on tasks they
         deadline-induced sleep deprivation? There’s                  enjoy doing. It’s only when it comes
         nothing quite like pulling an all-nighter to                 to tasks we feel anxious about or are
         complete a project or study for a test, only         uncomfortable with, do we actively try to
         to feel like a zombie for the rest of the week.      avoid them. If you feel that you’re not up
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