Page 15 - ADU Voice
P. 15

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 15

         catch your attention. Keeping you hooked             are all guilty of that. Social media never fails
         on these platforms for extended periods of           to entice us. However, if we look beyond the
         time is their goal. Why? Because that means          surface, we will find an ocean of lies and
         more income for them.                                manipulative tactics strategically designed
                                                              to distract us from reality.

         What is the problem then? Social media plat-
         forms are no longer tools. A tool is defined as      Due  to  social  media,  many  people  have
         anything that lies quietly ready to be used.         become fearful of missing the latest news
         However, when  you observe  the  mecha-              and updates. They become easily distracted
         nisms behind these platforms, they do not            and would interrupt their duties to catch up
         fall under the literal definition of a “tool”. In    on what they have missed. Who would have
         fact, you are the one being exploited here.          guessed  that  a  phone  notification  would
         Not only do you get manipulated into buying          become much more important to us than
         more products, but you are also taken in by          studying and completing our work?
         this platform’s “charm” to give up your pre-
         cious time.

         In  a  world  where  time  is  our  most  trea-
         sured possession, it is disappointing to see
         how fast it keeps slipping through our fin-
         gers. Growing up, we have all been warned
         about addiction and its horrid consequences.
         However, not consuming toxic substances
         does not mean we have steered clear of
         addictions. Look closely around you, what

         else do you see except people’s eyes glued to
         their devices? Unbelievably, we are all vic-
         tims of addiction; however, many of us are
         either oblivious to it or simply in denial.

         Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into
         hours, and the everlasting cycle continues.
         What was previously used as a communica-
         tion medium is now being used to brainwash
         our gullible minds. Instead of doing some-
         thing productive that will help us flourish as
         individuals, we would rather scroll for hours

         and hours consuming meaningless content
         for the sake of entertainment.

         How often have you made empty promises
         to yourself that you will use social media
         for just five more minutes and then end up
         losing track of time? Frankly speaking, we
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