Page 7 - ADU Voice
P. 7

SPRING 2023 ·   voice 07

              t was 11:59 pm.  Eventually, the clock          hundreds of buildings, and I felt the same
              struck twelve. I sat on my bed, waiting         euphoria I did singing along to the lyrics as
         I for something to change. I’ve celebrated           a little kid. The innocence slowly filled my
         quite a few birthdays in my lifetime, yet I          body, and I had not one worry. The celestial
         somehow thought this birthday would be               moon I looked at through the car window

         different. The air felt the same, and so did my      was the same moon I looked at as a kid. The
         feet on the carpet I had laid on for the past        body I lived in all this time was still my body,
         seventeen years. I fell to the mat and rubbed        even after turning eighteen.
         my hands through it harshly, hoping to feel
         something. I have turned eighteen.

         Throughout my life, there has always been
         a constant pressure around turning eigh-
         teen (and I am pretty sure that pressure was
         self-inflicted). Turning eighteen has been a              Now as I lay on that
         massive deal in the media for as long as I can            same carpet, I am
         remember. Whether it is social media posts                twelve again. I am six,

         or coming-of-age films, they portray turning              thirteen, and sixteen. I
         18 as some life-changing ordeal. As soon as
         you turn eighteen, you have to say goodbye                am that little girl, and
         to your childhood and suddenly become this                I am all her beautiful
         mature adult with a million responsibilities              memories.
         to tend to.

         In turn, I began thinking that I had to let go

         of the little child’s hand as soon as I turned       Maybe growing up isn’t about changing.
         eighteen. The child that I had spent all six         Perhaps it’s about getting the chance to make
         thousand two hundred and nine days of                new everlasting memories whilst continu-
         my life with. The child that had never left          ously holding on to the former ones.
         my side, lived through all my wounds and
         handed me tissues when I cried. I had spent          Now as I lay on that same carpet, I am twelve
         all my childhood days mourning my past and           again. I am six, thirteen, and sixteen. I am
         what could have been. All I wanted was to            that little girl, and I am all her beautiful
         be young forever. I wanted to lay down on            memories. I am comprised of all the things
         my mother’s lap for an eternity and have             she used to love: her favourite colour, her
         her engulf me in her arms and never let go.          favourite food, her favourite songs, and all
                                                              that makes her complete. All the places I’ve

         Months had passed since I turned eighteen.           discovered, all the laughs I’ve shared, and all
         My mother and I decided to drive around              the books I’ve read are all a fragment of me.
         the city to pass time. So, like always, I took       Life does not stop at eighteen, and neither
         the aux and clicked the shuffle button on            does your childhood disappear. I am young,
         my phone. Suddenly, a song I had listened            and I am still learning to live. I realized there
         to all the time as a child started playing. The      was simply nothing to mourn; that child will
         brisk wind blew on my face as we passed by           always be with me.
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