Page 9 - ADU Voice
P. 9


        Yes, we have had many customers that tried              I  had  a  good  chat  with  Ms.  Mouza,  who
        to buy and adopt our cats. Once, a customer             helped me feel relaxed in some ways. Did I
        insisted that one of our cats was her run-              finally overcome my fear of cats? Well, defi-
        away cat, but we were able to verify that it            nitely a little. Sally helped me go near the
        was not possible as all of the cats lived with          cats and I tried my best not to dodge them
        the same owner before coming to the café                when they sat next to me.
        and the timelines did not match.
                                                                Maybe if the cats smiled, that would’ve put
        How can I overcome my fear of cats?                     me more at ease. Or maybe I should just get
        First, replace any negative thoughts about              the ‘Pet Sematary’ story out of my head.
        cats with positive ones. For example,
        instead of thinking, “This cat will scratch

        me”, think  “Many  people interact with
        felines every day and never get hurt.”                       Looking to play with kitties at the
        Second, watch cats from a distance until                     unique cafe? Click here to learn
        you are no longer anxious. Third, sit near                   more about the Meow Café.
        a cat, and ask your friend to sit next to you.     
        Still afraid?  Go near a cat regularly until you
        overcome your fear.
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