Page 6 - ADU Voice
P. 6

06   ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022



        Cats                       Ch a lle n ge


              apologize to all the cat lovers who might
              find this absurd but I am an ailurophobe –

              someone with an intense fear of cats. Those
       I mischievous furry little creatures might seem
        cute from afar, but they horrify me up close, and I
        think they know that (which makes it all the more

        Aren’t you curious to know why I dislike these
        creatures? When I was 13, my family used to have

        a tradition of telling scary stories on Halloween.
        That night, my friend narrated ‘The Pet Sematary’,
        a book written by Stephen King. It tells the story
        about a doctor who moves into a small town with
        his wife, children and pet cat. The cat which dies in
        an accident one day, is buried in an ancient burial
        ground nearby. Disturbingly however, it returns
        home the next afternoon – with a dreadful stench
        and an obsession to rip apart little animals.

        Until then, I had never really noticed cats, but that
        story changed everything and I found myself being

        really intimidated by them. Even the slightest hint
        of being close to one gave me the heebie-jeebies.

        One night, I went out to my garden to pluck some
        roses my grandpa had planted. I had forgotten to
        bring a torch, but knowing where the roses were,
        I walked towards them in the dark.
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