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Diving into
uriosity. This single word can get out again? Nothing but the impulse of
unleash a slew of possibilities curiosity can answer these questions.
that astound the human intellect.
C It’s the desire to unravel secrets History’s finest minds, like Albert Einstein,
solely for the pleasure of gaining knowledge. Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and
It’s what drove us to read all of those Nancy Leonardo da Vinci, were all curious about
Drew novels as kids – the eagerness to see the ways of the world and applied their
the mystery unravel. It’s what champions us knowledge to craft novel solutions to the
to sit through blood-curdling horror movies problems they encountered. If it hadn’t been
– the fancy to be shocked by the unexpected. for them, the modern world would have
been very different from what it is today.
We are all led by curiosity in many ways.
The longing to visit carnivals, find new hob- Curiosity is something that we are all born
bies, and gain new insights are all interests with. Cats, dogs, and toddlers are all on a
sparked by a curious mind searching for mission to make mischief as they try to sat-
novelty. At times, curiosity can even drive us isfy their curious minds. Sadly, however,
to make decisions that we later dread. The many of us tend to become less curious as
story of Alice in Wonderland demonstrates we grow older. Surrounded by a myriad of
this best. work and responsibilities, we are often left
with no time to explore new interests or
While chasing a white rabbit that wore a even enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
peculiar tuxedo, Alice does not stop to think
twice before following it down a rabbit hole. The good news is that there’s a lot you can
What do you think prompted her to chase do on your own to develop your curiosity.
the rabbit in the first place? Wasn’t it her Observe the world around you. Challenge
curiosity to see what the rabbit was up to? your perspectives. Seek new experiences,
And why would anyone go down a rabbit and embrace the unexpected. Let’s rekindle
hole without considering how they would the fire of curiosity like never before!