Page 7 - ADU Voice
P. 7


                                                              Suddenly, I felt something quickly brush past
                                                              my legs, sending shivers down my spine.
                                                              Something about the eerie setting brought
                                                              flashbacks of ‘Pet Sematary’ to my mind and
                                                              the very next moment, I was looking down

                                                              two glowing eyes in the dark — a monstrous
                                                              stray cat (not cute at all). Being sure that it
                                                              was going to rip me apart, I ran for the door
                                                              with all my might.

                                                              Did I pluck roses that night? Nope – it wouldn’t
                                                              have been worth it. Did I sprain my ankle
                                                              though? Absolutely.

                                                              Over the years, I’ve made friends with a lot of
                                                              people who have cats and really adore them.
                                                              Obviously, I did not want to miss all the fun

                                                              hanging out with them and decided to just get
                                                              over my fear of cats. Easy, right? Wrong. But
                                                              I promised to try and set myself a challenge
                                                              to finally overcome my fear of cats. And what
                                                              better way to hit the nail on the head than to
                                                              go to a cat café?

                                                              Now, all the ailurophobes out there would

                                                              be worried and asking me, “Violet, are you
                                                              crazy? Why are you doing this to yourself?”
                                                              We have always heard that we do not grow
                                                              unless we challenge our fears and develop
                                                              strategies to overcome them, right? Well, it
                                                              might sound cliché, but it is true.

                                                                                      Digging the Pet
                                                                                      Semetary story?
                                                                                      Click here to find the
                                                                                      novel online.


                               Art by Jaren Hemphill
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