Page 8 - ADU Voice
P. 8

08   ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

        I was anyways curious to know how cats
        “really” behaved so, I convinced my friend
        Sally to come to the cat café with me as she
        really loves cats and would also be able to
        protect me from any potential cat attacks!

        And just like that, we were at Meow Café
        – the very first cat café in Abu Dhabi – and
        got the opportunity to interview Ms. Mouza
        Almannaei – it’s proud owner. Here are some
        questions we asked her.

        What inspired you to start a café like this?
        The idea behind opening Meow Café was to
        spread cat love to all. This was the idea of
        a ten-year-old girl who tried to access cat
        cafes in Japan, but was disappointed that

        children were not allowed in. As cat lovers,
        we wanted to create a safe, fun, and unique
        environment where cats could spend time
        together with people and especially kids.

                                                                How do you deal with the good and bad

                                                                behaviours of the cats?
                                                                We encourage good behaviour with treats
                                                                and attention. When dealing with unwanted
                CAT             FACTS                           behaviours, we understand that cats are

                                                                motivated by their natural feline instincts.
             ·  Cat meows are not cat language.                 and give them time out or put them in their
                                                                naughty corner, which is a cage.
                They meow only to get the atten-
                tion of humans.                                 How do you prevent cat hairs from getting

             ·  Cats cannot taste sweetness as                  into the food and drinks?

                they lack one of the taste receptors.           Our café has two sections: the cat area and
                                                                the cafe area. The cats are strictly forbidden
             ·  You can make friends with a cat                 to enter the café area. Therefore, we have no

                by narrowing your eyes, smiling                 such problem.
                and then closing your eyes for a
                few seconds.                                    Have you ever had a customer who tried
                                                                to take one of the cats home with them
                                                                because they liked it so much?
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