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        Curriculum                                                                                            Core Requirements                                                        42 Credit Hours
        Total Credit Hours: 120                                                                                                                                                               Credit
                                                                                                                Course Code               Course Title                   Prerequisite(s)
         General Education Requirements                             36 credit hours                               ASC 301   Research Report Writing                         STT 100             3
         Program Core Requirements                                  42 credit hours                               MKT 200   Principles of Marketing                         ENG 200             3
         Degree Concentration                                       21 credit hours                               MMC 201   Introduction to Mass Communication        (Co) ENG 102 (R) / ENG 200  3
                                                                                                                  MMC 203   Writing for Mass Media                          MMC 201             3
         Major Electives                                             9 credit hours
                                                                                                                  MAC 201   Intercultural Communication                     MMC 201             3
         Open Electives                                             12 credit hours
                                                                                                                  MAC 205   Theories of Mass Communication                  MMC 201             3
                                                                                                                  MAC 207   Introduction to Graphic Design                  ITD 100             3
        General Education Requirement                                               36 Credit Hours
                                                                                                                  MAC 308   Photojournalism                                 MMC 203             3
                                                                                                                  MAC 310   Mass Media Ethics and Responsibilities          MMC 201             3
          Course Code          Course Title                  Prerequisite(s)         Credit Hours
                                                                                                                  MAC 317   Public Speaking                                 ENG 200             3
         ARL 101 (A)  Communication Skills in Arabic I   No Prerequisite                  3
                                                                                                                  MAC 402   Media Appreciation and Critique                 MMC 201             3
                                                   IELTS average score of 6 or EMSAT average score of
                                                   1400 or passing grade in ENG 102 (R)                                                                                Completion of minimum 90
         ENG 200      English II                                                          3                       MAC 404   Social Media Management                        credit hours         3
                                                   (FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if placed in
                                                   ENG200)                                                        MAC 490   Senior Design Project (Capstone Course)       100 Credit Hours      3
                                                   ENG102 (R) & FWS100 / USS001 as pre-requisite                  MAC 499   Internship                               80 Credit Hours + INTR 099 (E)  3
         FWS 205      UAE and GCC Society          FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if students enter   3
                                                   to ENG200 course directly
                                                                                                              Major Electives (Student may take two (2) of the below courses)          6 Credit Hours
                                                   ENG102 (R) & FWS100 / USS001 as pre-requisite
         FWS 211      Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence  FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if students enter   3  Course Code           Course Title                   Prerequisite(s)   Credit Hours
                                                   to ENG200 course directly
                                                                                                                  MAC 204   Interpersonal Communication                     ENG 200             3
         FWS 305      Technical Communications for Workplace  ENG 200 + Completion of minimum 45 credit hours  3
                                                                                                                  MAC 206   Introduction to Journalism                      ENG 200             3
                      Fundamentals of Innovation and
         FWS 310                                   ENG 200 + Completion of minimum 60 credit hours  3             MAC 328   Event Management                                FWS 310             3
         ISL 100 (A)  Islamic Culture              No Prerequisite                        3                       MAC 403   International Communication                     MAC 201             3
         ITD 100      Introduction to Information and Digital   No Prerequisite           3                       MAC 412   Media Management                                ENG 200             3
                                                                                                                  MAC 316   Communication and Diplomacy                     MMC 201             3
         FWS 201      Fundamentals of Life Skills  FWS100 / USS001                        3
                                                   FWS 100/ USS001 + ENG 200 and Completion of
         FWS 301      Developing Future Leaders                                           3                   Open Electives                                                              12 credit Hours
                                                   minimum 45 credit hours
         STT 100      General Statistics           No Prerequisite                        3                     Course Code               Course Title                   Prerequisite(s)   Credit Hours
         FWS 100      Academic Skills for Success  No Prerequisite                        3                        OE1      Open Elective I                                    -                3
                                                                                                                   OE2      Open Elective II                                   -                3
                                                                                                                   OE3      Open Elective III                                  -                3
                                                                                                                   OE4      Open Elective IV                                   -                3

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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