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 General Education Courses  ITD 100 (AA)**  Introduction to Information and Digital   No Prerequisite  3
 This General Education curriculum is comprised of the following courses:
                                                    ENG102 (R) + FWS100(E)/ USS001 as pre-requisite
         GES 201     General Science                                                        3
 Credit                                             FWS100/USS001 as co-requisite if students enter to
 Course Code  Course Title  Prerequisite(s)         ENG200 course directly
         MTG 100     Math for Life                  No Prerequisite                         3
 ARL 101 (A)*  Communication Skills in Arabic Language  No Prerequisite  3
         MTG 100 (AA)**  Math for Life              No Prerequisite                         3
 Arabic as second language in high school or Non-Native
 ARL 101 E  Communication Skills in Arabic Language (E)   3  MTH 100 (R)  Algebra (Remedial)  No Prerequisite  3
 Arabic Speaker
 ENG 100 (AA)  English I for Arabic Language Program  No Prerequisite  3  MTT 101  Pre-Calculus  EMSAT score 1100 - 1475 / or MPT / or Passing grade in   3
                                                    MTH 100
 ENG102 (R)  English I (Remedial)  IELTS score of below 6 or EMSAT score of below 1400   3  EMSAT score 1500 - 1725 / or MPT / or MTT 101 with
         MTT 102     Calculus 1                     minimum grade of C for all Engineering majors, except   3
 IELTS average score of 6 or EMSAT average score of   Architecture, Aviation, Interior Design and IT
 ENG 200               English II  1400 or passing grade in ENG 102 (R)  3
 (FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if placed in ENG200)  SIS 201  Introduction to Sustainability of Sciences  ENG 102 (R)  3
 ENG 200 (AA)**  English II for Arabic Language Program  “C” grade in ENG 100 (AA)   3  STT 100  General Statistics   No Prerequisite  3
 FWS 100  Academic Skills for Success  No Prerequisite  3  STT 100 (AA)**  General Statistics  No Prerequisite  3
 FWS 100 (AA)**  Academic Skills for Success  No Prerequisite  3  USS 001  University Skills for Success  No Prerequisite  0
 FWS 201  Fundamentals of Life Skills  ENG 102 (R)  3  * (A) code for courses offered in Arabic for all majors
 FWS 201 (AA)**  Fundamentals of Life Skills  FWS 100 (AA)  3  ** (AA) codes represent courses for Arabic programs
 ENG102 (R) & FWS100 / USS001 as pre-requisite  *** (P) represents preparatory courses
 FWS 205  UAE and GCC Society  FWS100/ USS001 as co-requisite if students enter to   3
 ENG200 course directly
 FWS 205 (AA)**  UAE and GCC Society  No Prerequisite  3  General Education Courses and ELI courses
 ENG102 (R) & FWS100 / USS001 as pre-requisite  Students enrolled in the English Language Institute (ELI) are allowed to take some General Education courses while they
 FWS 211  Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence  FWS100(E)/ USS001 as co-requisite if students enter to   3  are taking their ELI courses at Abu Dhabi University.
 ENG200 course directly  The following are the General Education courses allowed with the ELI courses:
 FWS 211 (AA)**  Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence  FWS 100 (AA)  3
         Level of study in the ELI  Number of Allowed Courses  Allowed Courses
 FWS100 / USS001 + ENG200 and Completion of
 FWS 301  Developing Future Leaders  3
 minimum 45 credit hours  IELTS 2  Up to 2 General Education courses  ARL 101; ISL 100
 FWS 301 (AA)**  Developing Future Leaders  FWS 100 (AA) + Completion of 45 credit hours  3  IELTS 1  Up to 1 General Education course  ARL 101; ISL 100
 FWS 305  Technical Communications for Workplace  ENG 200 + Completion of minimum 45 credit hours  3  GENERAL ENGLISH 2  Not Applicable  Not allowed
 Fundamentals of Innovation and
 FWS 310  ENG 200 + Completion of minimum 60 credit hours  3  GENERAL ENGLISH 1  Not Applicable  Not allowed
 Fundamentals of Innovation and
 FWS 310 (AA)  Completion of 60 credit hours  3
 ISL 100 (A)*  Islamic Culture  No Prerequisite  3
 ISL 100 (E)   Islamic Culture (English)  No Prerequisite  3
 Introduction to Information and Digital
 ITD 100  No Prerequisite  3

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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