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                                                                                                              General Education                            General Education Requirements

                                                                                                              General Education (GE) provides a unique general education   Abu Dhabi University through the set of General Education
                                                                                                              platform to ensure the successful transition of all new   courses aims to prepare the students with fundamental
                                                                                                              undergraduate students from high school to university life.   knowledge, skill and competency that prepare students for
                                                                                                              This is achieved through the delivery of a comprehensive   their success in the majors and personal and professional
                                                                                                              first year  educational experience  designed to equip  the   life after graduation.
                                                                                                              students with the skills essential to their future. The network
                                                                                                              of support available to the students through the GE courses
                                                                                                              helps them settle into the University community with ease
                                                                                                              and  to  quickly  progress  in  their  academic  career.  The
                                                                                                              general education curricula provide the students with the
                                                                                                              comprehensive academic support, tools and techniques
                                                                                                              required for developing their competencies in written and
                                                                                                              oral communication, digital literacy, qualitative reasoning,
                                                                                                              innovative and critical thinking, team building, leadership,
                                                                                                              ethical reasoning, design thinking, sense making and use
          COLLEGE OF                                                                                          of social and emotional intelligence.

          ARTS AND                                                                                            Mission

          SCIENCES                                                                                            The mission of General Education is to help students
                                                                                                              successfully transition from high school to university life, by
                                                                                                              providing them with a comprehensive first year educational
                                                                                                              experience driven by retention and designed to equip them
                                                                                                              with essential skills for future success.
        Introduction                                 College Objectives
                                                                                                              Learning Outcomes
        The College of Arts and Sciences, one of the five colleges of   The main objectives of the College of Arts and Sciences are:
        Abu Dhabi University, offers courses in general education   a.   To achieve academic and intellectual leadership by
        as well as courses leading to the award of Bachelor of Arts   graduating students capable of original research and   The General Education at Abu Dhabi University, aims to
        degrees in Mass Communication (English& Arabic). One of   academic inquiry;                           prepare  the  students  with  fundamental  knowledge,  skills
        the college’s strength in addition to the diverse departments   b.   To prepare individuals capability of identifying and   and competencies that prepare them for their  success
        it offers is its diverse faculty population who come from an   analyzing the interrelationships between Arts and   in their majors, personal and professional lives after
        array of educational and cultural backgrounds, giving the   Sciences in the new age of information technology;  graduation.
        students an opportunity to learn from their immensely rich   c.   To develop an awareness of the needs of the learners
        professional and personal backgrounds.           and the society at large vis-à-vis ethical, professional,   As  the  students’  progress  through  the  various  General
                                                         and socially responsible practices so as to meet the   Education courses, they will be able to:
        Vision                                       d.   future needs of the region;                         1.   Communicate effectively and efficiently orally and in
                                                         To equip students with the learning and research
                                                         needs required for developing innovative endeavors       writing.
        CAS will be the transformative and dynamic college that   and practices; and                          2.   Gather, critically evaluate and analyze information.
        fosters intellectual inquiry, lifelong learning and global   e.   To develop hands-on skills and competence in coping   3.   Generate and apply innovative ideas and approaches
        citizenship.                                     with the issues of individual and collective life-long   in problem solving and decision making.
                                                         decision-making.                                     4.   Use quantitative reasoning skills.
                                                                                                                  Demonstrate ethical reasoning and social conscience
        Mission                                                                                                   in personal, social and professional contexts.
                                                                                                              6.   Demonstrate teamwork skills in diverse settings.
        CAS is a distinctive college serving as a transition platform                                         7.   Demonstrate digital literacy skills.
        for students at all levels. It is committed to student
        success and provides innovative and enriching educational
        experiences that promote transferable skills, adaptability
        and community involvement.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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