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        COLLEGES, INSTITUTES                                                                                  What is special about the ELI?

                                                                                                              The ELI program helps students improve both their communication skills and their academic English skills. As a result,
        AND PROGRAMS                                                                                          students will not only be able to communicate more effectively in the real world, but they will also be able to participate
                                                                                                              more actively in any academic study they undertake.

                                                                                                              Which TOEFL or IELTS scores do I need to join Abu Dhabi University?
                                                                                                              All students applying for admission to the university will need to meet one of the following English proficiency requirements:

        English Language Institute (ELI)                                                                      •   TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a minimum score of 61 for the iBT (internet based TOEFL).
                                                                                                              •   IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with an average score of 5.0 in the academic version of the
        The English Language Institute (ELI) of Abu Dhabi University provides excellence in teaching English to university-bound
        students, bringing them up to a level of proficiency to satisfy the University language requirements for admission to its   Students who do not have the above mentioned scores will have the opportunity to sit for the Institutional TOEFL (IT
        degree programs.                                                                                      TOEFL) test to determine their language proficiency. Only IT TOEFL tests taken on the Abu Dhabi University campus will
        To this end, the ELI develops and administers comprehensive English language programs supported by the latest teaching   be accepted. A score of 500+ on the IT TOEFL will grant students direct admission into the University College at Abu Dhabi
        materials, most up-to-date educational technology and highly qualified and experienced faculty.       University.
        ELI has recently extended its training services to Virtual Instructor Led Training - VILT.
        On completion of the ELI program, students will have the language, time management, organizational and analytical skills   Who joins the ELI?
        they need to participate responsibly and successfully in their faculty courses.                       Applicants who fail to obtain the above mentioned TOEFL/IELTS scores are placed in the ELI’s intensive English language
        Academic Outcomes
                                                                                                              Students who do not meet the UAE Ministry of Higher Education English language requirements for direct entry into the
        Upon completion of the ELI program, students will be able to perform the following:                   university, will enter the ELI to gain the necessary language skills through intensive English language courses.
        A. Listening and Speaking                                                                             •   Students can exit ELI levels by scoring: IELTS 5 average, or IBT TOEFL 61, or IT TOEFL 500 and TWE® test 5 as per the
                                                                                                                  UAE Ministry of Higher Education Requirements.
        Listen to and understand academic lectures of the type that students will encounter in their university programs; take
        notes; conduct surveys and interviews; participate in discussions regarding lecture topics and make simple, but clear oral   •   The required English standard test scores are subject to change based on the UAE Ministry of Higher Education
        presentations on related issues giving clearly articulated opinions supported by reliable research.       requirements or Abu Dhabi University recommendations.
        B. Reading                                                                                            Students studying in the levels have the option to take the IELTS test at the Abu Dhabi University IELTS Testing Center.

        Read and understand academic texts of the type that students will encounter in their university programs; identify and   While studying in the ELI, students can concurrently take selected ADU University College (UC) courses.
        extract required information from texts; process and synthesize information relating to research topics; distinguish fact
        from opinion and become a critical reader; identify purpose, audience and tone of a text.             How do I study at the ELI? How can I improve my English?
        C. Writing
                                                                                                              Since students are studying English in a non-emergent situation, they need to practice their English whenever possible.
        Write well-developed coherent paragraphs and essays of the types required in their university programs; apply proof   Therefore, when communicating with Abu Dhabi University faculty and staff members they should use English at all times.
        reading and editing skills; apply referencing conventions and write original pieces without plagiarizing.  ELI students will attend extra and co-curricular activities or events scheduled through the Student Services Department
                                                                                                              at Abu Dhabi University since the language used in these activities and events is English. This will provide opportunities
        D. Research Skills                                                                                    for students to improve their listening and speaking skills. Furthermore, students are expected to be active learners. This
                                                                                                              involves attending classes regularly, participating in both class activities and Abu Dhabi University events, studying on a
        Use library resources; summarize ideas and key points; critically analyze and compare; decide on appropriate formats for   daily basis and submitting assignments on time.
        presentation both in speaking and writing.
                                                                                                              The ELI encourages self-directed learning. Lessons and activities are designed to cater for students’ individual needs
                                                                                                              and foster the skills required for independent learning. Therefore, students are expected to work on developing the four
        How can I improve my English?                                                                         language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) outside instructional time through:
        Having effective English language skills is the key to achieving academic and career success in today’s world. The ELI   •   Utilizing the Learning Management System (LMS) online workbooks.
        will provide students with the language tools they need to succeed. At the same time, however, students need to make
        learning English a top priority and take whatever steps necessary to achieve their language goals.    •   Utilizing the library which is equipped with different EFL/ESL books.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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