Page 52 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 52


        and note down any questions and queries.     video work well. Further, the instructor may have created a couple of   3.2.5 Advise family and ask for their support to provide the
        questions to respond to before the live session, based on   right space and a quiet environment for distance learning.
        the recorded lectures. Students should respond to them
        on Blackboard ahead of the class or by the deadline set by   3.2.6 Silence mobile during the online meeting.
        the instructor.                              3.2.7 Make sure you follow the online class through a Take some time to read through each of the   desktop or laptop computer, not a smartphone.
        previous discussion post responses before writing your   3.2.8 Refer to the class schedules, the lecture will run as per
        own response. Submitting an answer or question that   usual course timeline. Be on time to avoid disruption and
        is obviously similar to a classmate’s response indicates   to affect the smooth of the meeting. Attendances will be
        to the instructor that you haven’t paid attention to the   registered as usual at the beginning and during the online
        conversation thus far. Building upon a classmate’s thought   lecture.
        or attempting to add something new to the conversation
        will show your instructor you’ve been paying attention.  3.2.9 Don’t take screenshots or photos or video of others
                                                     during the online meeting while they are in private spaces
        3. GUIDELINES FOR COURSE SESSIONS – FACULTY AND   and/or without their knowledge and consent. Remember
        STUDENTS                                     this is illegal and against the University’s Rules of Conduct.
        Online distance learning courses are delivered via the   3.2.10 Note that you will have the same opportunity to
        Internet using an ADU- supported Learning Management   meet your instructor online during office hours as usual.
        System (LMS). The IMTS Backup Policy applies to backup
        for the e-learning environment, including digital contents,   4. GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS
        recorded lectures, recordings of presentations, etc. No on-  4.1 Course assessment: Colleges have developed course
        campus meetings are required. Faculty-student interaction   assessment strategies and instruments which meet the
        and delivery of course content is achieved fully-distanced.   course learning outcomes, suitable for distance learning.
        Through regular effective contact, instructor and students   Recognizing  differences  between courses,  different
        interact to complete assignments and assessments and to   assessment methods may be used across different
        demonstrate achievement of Course Learning Outcomes.  courses, such as individual and group projects, open-book
        3.1 Faculty should:                          examinations, online presentations and case studies etc.
        3.1.1 Define and implement strategies for keeping students   4.2 Online proctored assessment: Online proctored
        engaged throughout the session.              assessment, in similar fashion to a typical examination with
                                                     an invigilator, will be necessary for some courses. ADU
        3.1.2 Actively engage students using defined strategies,   has set a maximum of 45% online proctored exams and
        for example, synchronous chats, interactive in-class   quizzes for any course, with the exception of mathematics
        assignments, asynchronous discussions, quizzes, direct   and statistics courses which can be greater than 45%.
        questions etc.                               In preparation for online assessments students must
        3.1.3 End and recap each class session by summarizing   download the Respondus Lockdown Browser to a desktop
        main points, and introducing next session highlights.  or laptop computer with either a Windows or Mac operating
                                                     system. Tablets or mobile device may not be used. Students
        3.2 Students should:                         will also need either a built-in camera, or a separate USB
        3.2.1 For scheduled live, interactive sessions, log in to
        Microsoft Office 365 with ADU username and password.   4.3 Grading policy: Courses are subject to the usual Abu
        Meetings will be recorded by the instructor ONLY for   Dhabi University letter grading system and the GPA and
        educational and statistic purposes. Attendances will be   CGPA calculations.
        documented as usual.
                                                     4.4 Oral assessments: All oral examinations, presentations,
        3.2.2 Ensure the space around is quiet so you are able to   capstones and thesis defense will be required to be
        follow and participate in your online meeting, lecture, review   presented virtually by the students.
        or assignment without background noise or distraction.
                                                     4.5 Other assessments: Any of the following additional
        3.2.3  Make  sure  to  have  full  Wi-Fi  signal  to  avoid  any   assessment tools may be employed in distance learning
        interruption  or lagging during the online course.  Avoid   courses:
        connecting to free and open WiFi. Don’t use mobile data to
        avoid bad audio quality and delay in video streaming.  4.5.1 Online time-controlled quizzes, with multiple choice
                                                     and/or open-ended questions: conducted in a specific
        3.2.4 Check computer settings to ensure that audio and   session and for a specific duration, students must complete

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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