Page 55 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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           information that can help both students and instructors   Roles and Responsibilities
           to build on the strengths and remedy the weaknesses.
                                                     The task of achieving excellence in assessment requires
        •   Summative assessment, on the other hand, is usually
           carried  out  at the end  of  the  semester  and  is  used   collaboration among four parties: the Manager of
                                                     the Center for Faculty Development, College Deans,
           to determine the extent to which the students have
           achieved the course learning objectives or outcomes   Department Chairs/Program Directors, Faculty and
           (grading function). It helps instructors make decisions
           and  judgments for purposes  of  student  promotion   1.    The  role  of  the  Director  of  the  Center  for  Faculty
           and/or graduation. Final exams and projects, among   Development is to plan faculty development activities on
           other forms, serve this purpose.          student assessment, such as workshops and seminars.
        •   Formative assessment, in contrast to summative   2.    The role of the College Dean is:
           assessment, is conducted throughout the semester and
           is used to enhance the learning and teaching process.   •   to ensure that colleges have their own discipline-
           Information provided by this ongoing assessment helps   specific assessment guidelines and procedures
           students improve their study skills, learning strategies   that are consistent with ADU Student Assessment
           and  achievement,  thus  support  ongoing  student   guidelines;
           progress, and helps instructors diagnose and respond
           to student needs (development and improvement   •   to ensure that these guidelines and procedures are
           function).                                    periodically reviewed; and
                                                     •   to ensure that departments use assessment results
        Assessment Methods                               for program improvement.
        Accurate and sound assessment requires that a variety   3.   The role of the department chair/program director/
        of appropriate assessment methods be used and aligned   coordinator is:
        with the intended learning outcomes.  There are generally
        two main assessment methods: traditional and alternative/  •   to collaborate with faculty members in developing
        authentic. The former includes tools such as paper-and-  assessment guidelines and procedures that are
        pencil tests and exams while the latter includes tools similar   appropriate to their major fields;
        to performance tasks,  essays, presentations,  projects,   •   to ensure that faculty members implement these
        practical work, case studies, reports, portfolios.  The choice   guidelines and procedures;
        among these tools depends on the discipline, the nature
        of the  individual  course  as well  as the  intended learning   •   to ensure that faculty members inform students of
        outcomes.                                        assessment criteria;
        The following are the assessment tools that ADU faculty   •   to review assessment methods and criteria; and
        members can choose from in assessing their student   •   to ensure that assessment results are used for
        performance and achievement:                     continuous improvement of learning and instruction
        •   Tests and exams                          4.     The role of faculty members is:
        •  Assignments/homework
        •  Projects                                  •   to inform students at the beginning of the semester of
                                                         the assessment methods and criteria that will be used
        •  Reports                                       in assessing their performance and achievement;
        •  Presentations                             •   to provide students with feedback on their performance
        •  Essays                                        and how it can be improved. Effective feedback should
        •  Papers                                        be provided in a timely and constructive manner and
        •   Case studies                                 includes both comments and grades.
        •  Exhibitions                               Late Submission Coursework
        •  Portfolios                                The due date for each class assignment or project should
        •  Self-assessment                           be clearly indicated to the students in the course outline.
        •   Capstone course or graduation project    Assignments received more than two weeks after the due
        •   Performance through observing and judging  date should not be accepted.
                                                     1.   Submission dates may be extended in exceptional

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