Page 57 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 57
The responsibilities of students include: c. The study plan should be more detailed and specific.
1. Recognizing the importance of the relationship with d. Inclusion of the Advisor Handbook ( soft copy);
their advisors.
e. Information about the Professional Advisors, and their
2. Getting the necessary information needed to office timings.
understand degree requirements in their respective
degree program. 2. Student Online Account
3. Seeking the assistance of advisors/faculty mentors or a. Recommended Plan of Study - standard plan for every
other university resources on a regular basis. student of that particular major.
4. Keeping their assigned advisors/faculty mentors b. Plan of Study In-Progress- includes the courses that
informed of any academic difficulty and challenges have been completed in a particular semester until
they may be facing. date and GPA.
5. Taking full responsibility of their decisions in c. The assigned Professional Advisor details indicating
accordance with the best advice and information instructor’s name, qualifications, office extension, office
given. room number/address, office hours, e-mail ID.
Advising student with Academic Support Notice: d. Link to access a pdf file of the student handbook.
Prior to the beginning of the registration period for each e. A list of minors and electives being offered.
regular semester, an advising hold is placed on the record of
each enrolled undergraduate student who has completed The system should be able to automatically generate
16 credit hours and above with a cumulative GPA below 2.5. the student’s final exam schedule considering the
The advising hold prevents a student from registering for courses taken in that particular semester rather than
courses in the subsequent semester or term. The advising providing the complete list of all courses and all the
hold for any student can only be removed by the student’s exam dates.
academic advisor of his/her college.
f. The system should be able to automatically generate
In order to be eligible for removal of an advising hold, each the student’s final exam schedule considering the
relevant student must make an appointment for an advising courses taken in that particular semester rather than
session with his or her academic advisor through the providing the complete list of all courses and all the
University’s electronic advising system and must attend the exam dates.
advising session. The student should prepare a proposed
set of courses for the relevant semester and/or term prior g. The system should include a step-by-step tutorial for
to the advising session. all students to make them familiar with the registration
and advising processes.
The student’s academic advisor must record the substance
of the advising session in the University’s electronic advising 3. Academic Advising Manuals
system, including the agreed upon set(s) of courses the
student will take in the subsequent semester and/or term. a. Introduction to Academic Advising;
The advisor will remove the advising hold in view of the b. Registration guidelines;
student at the end of the advising session.
c. Placement tests;
Advising Tools, Purpose And Design
A variety of advising tools are provided to promote efficient d. Information of the respective college;
and effective communication between students and
advisors. e. Courses offered;
1. Academic Advising Website f. A detailed Study Plan according to each discipline;
a. Advising webpage for each college. g. Information about the Professional Advisors, and their
office timings;
b. Registration guidelines.
h. Campus Academic Support services and Resources.
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025