Page 48 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 48


        Credit Hours                                 Cumulative Grade Point Average

        Courses are calculated in credit hours. Each course carries   A student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA)
        a certain number of credit hours that are awarded after the   indicates a student’s achievement in all courses taken
        successful completion of that course.        at ADU until the end of a given semester. The CGPA is
                                                     obtained by dividing the total quality points earned from
        Students admitted to a Postgraduate Degree must   the initial enrollment at ADU to the end of the given
        complete the required number of credit hours of courses   semester by the total number of credit hours taken until
        taught according to a program approved by the College   the end of that semester. Courses with grades “P”, “I”, “IP”,
        Council.                                     “W”, “WA”, and “H” are excluded from computing the CGPA.
        Students must  successfully pass  any remedial or other   Courses transferred from another college/university  will
        courses during the first academic year. The pre-core   appear on the student’s transcript with a “T” grade and will
        courses are not counted towards the GPA, although they   be excluded from computing the CGPA.
        appear on student’s transcripts.
        One semester credit hour of lecture/tutorial is defined   Mid-Semester Advisory Grades
        as  70  minutes  per  week  for  13  weeks.  One  credit  hour   By the end of the seventh week of classes, during each
        of laboratory is defined as 140 minutes per week for   academic semester, mid-semester advisory grades will be
        13 weeks. Customarily, weekly quizzes and mid-term   submitted by instructors of all undergraduate courses.
        examinations are included in the 13 week semester, with   Valid mid-semester advisory grade entries will include A,
        final examinations occurring in a special 14th week set   B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F, and P. Grade reports for all students
        aside just for these exams.                  will be  made available  to the  students  and the advisors
        Some programs/courses may be offered in a time-   of the students. The University will use the mid-semester
        shortened  period not less  than 6  weeks, often  called a   advisory  grades  to  identify  “at-risk”  students  and  take
        term, which nonetheless offers class contact time and out-   remedial action.
        of-class assignments equivalent to a semester course.
        Grade Change
                                                     Transcripts are the chronological, permanent and the most
        Two events may result in a change of the final grade of the   complete student educational record. Incompletes, failures
        students:                                    and withdrawals; academic standing and all academic
                                                     awards; majors, minors and concentrations are recorded
        1.  A grade appeal request by the student (after an   thereon.
           “informal” discussion with the faculty College Dean),    Students who have not settled their financial tuition/fees or
        2.  An  error in  calculating  the  student’s grade  (after  an   other obligations to Abu Dhabi University will not be issued
           “informal” discussion with the faculty College Dean).   transcripts.

        The time limit for changing a grade is one semester from   Grade Appeals
        the date the grades are posted by the Registrar.
                                                     Students have the right to appeal their final grade in a
        Semester Grade Point Average                 course during the period announced by the Office of the
        A student’s semester  grade  point average (SGPA) is   The following is the Grade Appeal Procedure to be followed
        obtained by dividing the total quality points earned in a
        given semester by the total number of credit hours taken in   by the students:
        that semester. Quality points of any course are calculated   Consultation:
        by multiplying the number of credit hours of that course by
        the earned grade points of the same course.    In an attempt to resolve a grade appeal, the student must
                                                     first meet with the following individuals, in the order listed,
        Courses with grades of “P”, “I”, “IP”, “T”, “W”, “WA”, and “H” are   to discuss the matter:
        excluded from computing the SGPA.  The semester credit
        hours for which a grade of “I”, “IP” or “H” is assigned are   1.     Faculty member teaching the course;
        excluded from computing the grade-point average until it   2.    Chairperson of the department in which the course is
        is replaced by a letter grade.               offered, and

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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