Page 49 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 49


        3.    Dean of the college in which the course is offered.  If at the end of the semester in which the student was
                                                     placed on his/her first academic probation, the CGPA
        The consultation(s) should take place as soon as possible   remains below 2.00 for the postgraduate professional
        after the final grade or the relevant component grade is   diploma students and 3.0, for the other postgraduate
        released. It is assumed that the department chairpersons   students maintain the student will be placed on his/her
        and the deans will make every effort to resolve the grade   second consecutive academic probation.
        In the case of a final course grade appeal, if the matter is   If at the end of the semester in which the student was placed
        not resolved, the student may proceed to the Committee   on his/her second academic probation, the CGPA remains
        Grade Appeal  process as  soon as  possible, but  no later   below 2.00 for the postgraduate professional diploma
        than the start of early registration period in the following   students and 3.0, for the other postgraduate students, the
        regular semester.                            student will be dismissed from Abu Dhabi University for
                                                     failure to make satisfactory academic progress.
        Committee Grade Appeal Process:
                                                     Students under academic probations are allowed to
        The student may initiate a Committee Appeal Process   change major only once during the time they are under
        by filing the Grade Appeal Form with the Office of the   academic probation, provided they meet the admissions
        Registrar. The form must be submitted prior to the   requirements of the new postgraduate degree program.
        beginning of the early registration period in the regular
        semester subsequent to the semester in which the grade   Student Attendance Policy
        in question was given.
        The  Office  of  the  Registrar  will  forward  the  form  to  the   When the student’s absence in a given course reaches or
        college dean, who will refer the Grade Appeal Form to a   exceeds 30%, he/she will be withdrawn from the course.
        committee of faculty selected by the dean. The committee   Absences will not be waived under any circumstances.
        will review the student’s performance in the course. This
        review may include interviews with the student and the   Students will be considered absent if they do not arrive on
        faculty member teaching the course. The chair of the   time for a lesson. Taking attendance will start on the first
        committee will forward the grade recommendation to the   day of classes and will continue until the last day of classes
        college dean for final approval.  There are three possible   in the semester.
        outcomes to an individual grade appeal:
                                                     Warnings will be posted on the Abu Dhabi University
        1.     The original grade is upheld;         Student Portal when a student’s absence reaches 10%
                                                     and 20%. At the 30% absence limit, a withdrawal due to
        2.     The grade is lowered relative to the original; and  absence (WA) will be posted on the Abu Dhabi University
        3.     The grade is raised relative to the original.  Student Portal.
        The decision of the dean is final. The Grade Appeal Form   All attendance rules and requirements apply equally to
        will be returned to the Office of the Registrar  to inform the   courses delivered in both face-to-face mode and e-learning/
        student of the decision.                     hybrid delivery modes. Students should connect at the start
        The entire process should be concluded before the end of   of the session and should remain connected, with adequate
        the semester during which the appeal form was submitted.  engagement and participation for a minimum of 75% of
                                                     the session duration. If technical difficulties or exceptional
        Postgraduate probationary admitted students who are   circumstances prevent the student from complying with
        due for dismissal by the end of their first semester may   the attendance rule, the student should send an email
        appeal their grades under conditions of this Policy. They   to the faculty member no later than 24 hours after the
        will not be allowed, nevertheless, to register in subsequent   session, including any relevant proofs or explanation.
        semesters until their grade appeals are resolved and they   Further details regarding application of attendance policy
        meet the Abu Dhabi University postgraduate admission   to e-learning courses is provided in the Distance Learning
        requirements.                                Procedural Guidelines.

        Academic Standing                            The Registrar’s Office  will accept excuses  only from
                                                     students missing an exam/major assignment due to
                                                     absence. Students will be permitted to take a make-up
        If the student’s CGPA drops below 2.00 for the
        postgraduate professional diploma students and 3.0, for   exam, if its weight is at least 10% of the course total mark,
                                                     upon approval of a legitimate excuse.
        other postgraduate students, he/she will be placed on his/
        her first academic probation in the following semester.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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